Buy/Sell/Tr Tax

These are fees applied to each transaction (buy, sell, or transfer) once the token is listed on Uniswap. These taxes are not applicable before the token transitions from the bonding curve to Uniswap!

How Tax Works

  • For example, if there's a 5% tax on buys and sells and transfers:

    • Buying $100 worth of tokens would result in $95 worth of tokens, with $5 going to the tax wallet.

    • Selling $100 worth of tokens would return $95, with $5 deducted as tax.

    • Transferring/sending $100 worth of tokens would return $95, with $5 deducted as tax.


  • Taxes are often used in meme tokens and other cryptocurrencies to manage market behavior, discourage short-term trading, or fund the project’s development through transaction fees.

  • Dynamic reduction setup also encourages early buyers to hold their tokens longer since the tax burden decreases over time, leading to a more stable market.

Settings Explanation

1. Time Interval Based Max Buy Tax

  • Initial Max Buy Tax: This is the tax percentage applied to every buy transaction when the token first becomes available or when a time interval starts. if you set this to 10, then 10% of the transaction amount will be taken as a tax during purchases.

  • Time Interval (mins): This field specifies the duration (in minutes) after which the tax rate will start to change. If you set this to 60 minutes, the tax will begin to adjust after one hour.

  • Final Max Buy Tax: This is the tax percentage that will apply after the time interval has passed. For instance, if you start with a 10% tax and reduce it to 5% over time, you would set this to 5.

2. Time Interval Based Max Sell Tax

  • Initial Max Sell Tax: This is the tax percentage applied to sell transactions initially. If this is set to 15, then 15% of the amount being sold will be taxed.

  • Time Interval (mins): Specifies how long (in minutes) this initial tax rate will apply before it starts changing. For example, after 30 minutes, the tax might decrease or increase.

  • Final Max Sell Tax: The tax percentage that will apply to sell transactions after the time interval has passed. For instance, you might reduce the tax from 15% to 10% after a certain period.

3. Time Interval Based Max Transfer Tax

  • Initial Max Transfer Tax: The percentage tax applied to transfer transactions when the token first launches or during a specific time period. If this is set to 5, then 5% of the transferred amount will be taxed.

  • Time Interval (mins): The number of minutes after which the tax rate on transfers will begin to change.

  • Final Max Transfer Tax: The tax rate that will apply to transfers after the time interval. For example, you might reduce the transfer tax from 5% to 2% over time.

Last updated