Max Wallet

This is the maximum amount of tokens any single wallet can hold at any given time.

How Max Wallet Works

  • If the max wallet limit is set to 2% and the total token supply is 1,000,000,000 tokens:

    • No single wallet can hold more than 20,000,000 tokens at any given time.


This feature allows you to set a limit on how many tokens a single wallet can hold. Over a specified time interval, this limit can change, usually to accommodate more tokens as the project progresses. This is often used in tokenomics to prevent any single wallet from accumulating too many tokens too quickly, which could potentially lead to market manipulation, whale-dependent tokens or other issues.

Settings Explanation

  1. Initial Max Wallet:

    • Definition: This is the maximum percentage of the total token supply that any single wallet can hold initially, right after the token is launched or during the specified time interval.

    • Example: If you set this to 5, no wallet can hold more than 5% of the total token supply when the token first becomes available.

  2. Time Interval (mins):

    • Definition: This field specifies the duration (in minutes) for which the initial max wallet limit will be enforced. After this period, the limit can change to a new value (the Final Max Wallet).

    • Example: If you set this to 60, the initial wallet limit will be in effect for one hour.

  3. Final Max Wallet:

    • Definition: This is the maximum percentage of the total token supply that any single wallet can hold after the specified time interval has passed.

    • Example: If the initial max wallet was 5% and the final max wallet is set to 10%, then after one hour (based on the time interval example), a wallet can hold up to 10% of the total supply.

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